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butterfly drawing

Transformation Meditation

The caterpillar becomes a butterfly through a process of transformation. How this happens was a mystery until recently. We now know that when a caterpillar goes into its cocoon, the transformation is complete and happens molecularly. The caterpillar does not grow into a butterfly through its parts evolving, but breaks down at a cellular level and then reorganizes its cells to become the butterfly. Miraculously, we now know that it brings its learning and memories forward from caterpillar to butterfly in such a way that it is strengthened and has foresight to protect itself and live its life to the fullest. The therapy office is the cocoon for your transformation to your life worth living.

Consider how in your life you have experienced transformations of your own.


Blue Lotus Meditation

The Blue Lotus Flower is a symbol of wisdom and common sense, knowledge, learning and intelligence. It is often depicted as only partially open to represent the ongoing need to gain wisdom, learning and the expansion of the mind to reach enlightenment.

Notice when you are acting from Wise Mind and yet remaining open to a richer and deeper understanding or experience.

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